Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop stocks all uniform requirements for students and is the only place that students/parents are able to purchase all of the correct uniform.
The Uniform Shop opens every Friday morning from 9:00am – 9:30am during the school term.
We do ask that you please try and bring the exact amount of money as we hold a limited amount of change in the shop. All cheques should be made payable to “Hurstville South Public School P&C Association”. Should you be paying by cheque, we will need you to provide some additional identification, like your driver’s license, address details and contact phone number.
The Uniform Shop is operated by the School’s P&C Association and all funds raised are used to support School activities. The shop is run by volunteers on a rotating roster basis and parents are warmly encouraged to assist by serving on a roster. Please speak to the Uniform Shop Co-ordinators if you would like to join our team.
Uniform Shop
2012 Uniform Pricelist